The Balkan Peninsula has been a crossroads between Western, Northern and Eastern Europe. At various times Croatia has been occupied by Romans, Ottomans, Hungarians and French with varying degrees of success. Before his death in 1089 Zionimir, a Croatian king who bolstered his hold on the throne through an alliance with the papacy, cursed his fellow countrymen to never be ruled by a monarch that spoke their language. Shortly afterwards Croatia attached itself to Hungary and remained thus for eight centuries.

Today as the result of being surrounded by avaricious forces and their attendant religions, who seemed to sweep in like high pressure areas, Croatia is staunchly Catholic. This is evidenced by the large crucifix on the wall of the ferry passport control office and the religious artwork displayed throughout our accommodations.

There is much mythology connected to the stork. They are harbingers of good luck, fidelity, family harmony and fertility and to have a stork nesting on one’s roof means the blessing of unending love. To the Egyptians they represented the soul or ba and according to some legends, storks don’t die of old age but fly to an island and take on the form of a human.

The park is a series of wetlands that at times are impassible due to flooding, but August was definitely not one of those times. The pastoral quiet only broken by bird call and the sound of a swan’s wings, which was oddly metallic as if they were attached with hinges. There are various flocks of sheep that are followed by a few storks who are eating the frogs and other creatures unearthed by plodding hooves.

At a traditional folk music performance, where a line of traditionally dressed women, arms locked together, sang in multipart harmony, two men sat at a nearby table in heated discussion, their voices almost at the volume of the singing, oblivious to the beauty and harmony taking place on stage. As if in a parallel universe, they continued on with their discussion, unaware of the end of the singing or the exit of the musicians.
Here, the love of place is bittersweet, but must be very strong for the culture of a small Slavic tribe to endure the many centuries of incursions that has been Croatia’s history. Aloha, European style.