We did two mock designs. One was a practice installation. We put in a small garden at a house plot near the farm. The other was a mock consultancy. We went to a 15 acre piece land. It was mostly a steep volcanic slope so we were focusing on the area closer in to the property. I started talking with them about plants and they found me most helpful so they asked me back for a real consultancy! I went back and gave them two days of my time. It went very well and I feel much confidence now and I got to leave the farm with a consultancy under my belt.
The probiotic is derived from the compost which he actively aerates in a large tote. He sprays this on the soil to bring it back to life or decompact it. These microbes are aerobic. If you want healthy soils it must be dominantly aerobic. Anaerobic soils are compacted soils. The third component, bio-fertilizer, is an anaerobic ferment.
We were having success with Star, the other horse, as well. Although we couldn't work with her as much due to injuries, we got her to trust us a lot more. Since she came to Zaytuna after a bad experience, rehabilitation was our main goal. At the beginning, she wouldn't let us near her and by the end we could get a saddle on her. We also gave her a bath which was a huge improvement to her coat. I learned a lot from the experience and will be writing an article about it.
That’s all I have for now and remember, life finds a way in the most difficult places.
Until next time, Wynton