“It just tugged at my heart and I wanted my boys to see that there are people that need help and that we need to help them,” says Bell. “When we go to the elderly housing I always bring my kids because they always want to talk story. They want to hear a story, tell a story, see a smile, hold a hand,” she added.
Back in 2005 Bell was working through Lokahi Giving Tree, based on O'ahu, but when they stopped services on Hawai'i Island, Bell was just getting started and wanted to keep going. “I wanted to reach more people and more ideas came to me,” says Bell.
Bell, husband Leighton, Nancy Carr-Smith, Kalai Kalamura, Lani Olsen Chong and Patti Cook, a small cadre of like-minded folks started by providing holiday feedings. “We started out small. At Christmas time we did a turkey meal for the elderly. At first we only did Waimea and Honoka'a. We made the turkeys ourselves. Then we realized that there were a lot more seniors who would appreciate this meal,” says Bell.
Bell found herself looking at a big niche to fill because, “No one really does turkey or a meal for anyone on Christmas Day,” says Bell. And what do you do when you have a big task? Why hui of course and that’s when Sensei Restaurant, Waikōloa was invited onboard. “They were so excited and happy to do it and that’s how we were able to do a Christmas Day dinner,” says Bell.
The circle of aloha soon grew outwards. “That first year we did all the housing complexes that we could think of. Then we had extra so we went down to the beaches and found the homeless families,” says Bell. This launched her on a new mission. “That's when we learned that these homeless families were working homeless families. They’re all working but they can't get housing. It just pulled at my spirit because I saw these children living on the beach. We expanded even more,” says Bell, adding warm blankets and basic necessities to the holiday turkey dinner.
Last year the Big Island Giving Tree became an official nonprofit associated with Redeeming Light International (RLI). “Someone suggested I meet with Sharon Davis at RLI and I met with her and it was the perfect match. She totally orchestrated everything for us,” says Bell. “Now we're a part of RLI we have been so successful and able to expand more. Now we have more volunteers come forward to help us. It's really amazing,” she added.

Next volunteers sort and distribute items to families island wide. “We put them into packets and hand them out to the homeless. In Hilo we just did a clothing and basic necessity drop off. Volunteers separated it by gender and sizes, put it in the back of their cars and took it to various areas where they knew homeless were living. They did seven different camps that day,” says Bell.
While mostly centered in North Hawaii, BIGT also provides assistance in crisis situations island-wide. When hurricane Iselle hit Puna, BIGT volunteers were there with food and clothing donations. They also provide help in the case of house fires, flood, sickness or death.
BIGT is focusing on helping homeless families and recently has spread its wings even wider, looking to establish a center that will put families in touch with available services. “I got in touch with HOPE Services and the Mayor's office a couple of months ago because we want to make our feedings more than just feedings. HOPE Services is willing to come and put up a tent during our feedings to bring services for the homeless. The majority of our families are at the beaches so we're looking for a place down in Kawaihae somewhere,” says Bell. “The only way that we can help people is if we partner together and know what other services are available. We need to help them lighten that burden,” she added.

According to Patti Cook, Waimea Community Association’s president, WCA’s annual Christmas Twlight Parade and related holiday festivities help support BIGT's "blessings" to the community. The kickoff event is the Christmas Tree Lighting at Parker Ranch’s Puu Opelu, which will be on Thurs., Dec. 3, from 5-7 p.m.
BIGT also has a holiday adopt-a-family program where a business or an individual can provide food and items from the family's wish list. “More than 90% of the time it's food or clothing for their children. We have an application and they can choose what size family they'd like to adopt and we try to match them up,” says Bell. They would also like to match up homeless teens with gift certificates for: movies, bowling, Starbucks, Jamba Juice, surf shops, Jeans Warehouse or anything with teen appeal.
And as if all of this isn’t enough, Bell and her husband are planning a youth group mission to the Phillipines through their church, Solid Rock North, Hawi. “I think it will be a great experience for them. The first place we're going to go is the Compassion International Center. We're going to help families that have been hit by the storm recently and actually are living in a rubbish dump,” says Bell.
The BIGT is a shining example of what can be accomplished when people with big hearts share their aloha and light with others. “As for Rhonda, I don't think I know anyone quite as selfless. Nancy Carr Smith, who is her volunteer right hand, calls Rhonda "an angel" and I think she's spot on. But Rhonda just says she's just lucky to be the conduit of blessings from those more fortunate to those in need,” says Cook.
How to help:
BIGT prefers donation of either cash or gift certificates.
Donations: are collected at the monthly Waimea Community Association meeting or they can be sent to BIGT @ P.O. Box 2786 / Kamuela, HI / 96743 or dropped off in their mail slot at Aloha Kohala Realty in Waimea.
Gift certificates for food can be purchased from produce vendors at the Waimea Homesteaders’ and Parker School farmer’s markets.